Tuesday, January 1, 2013


In 2013 I will be Perfect. 

Ha! No, in case you didn't already know, I will not be perfect in 2013, or in any other year for that matter.  But, who wants to be perfect anyway? For me, it's usually the mistakes that I make through out the day that keep me laughing.  
While out last night celebrating the New Year with a few girlfriends I began to realize just how interesting it is to talk about New Year's resolutions.  I felt like every time I listened to somebody else's goal, most of them life changing, I was reminded that we're all working towards something, we're not alone, and nobody is perfect.  
It's about enjoying the journey towards our resolutions.   

I think I would sleep much better if this was my bed.  Just saying...
So, I guess now I have to talk about my resolution.  Anybody who knows me well could tell you that I tend to be a night owl.  Certainly by no means does this mean I'm out every night, usually it's quite the contrary.  If I start painting at 6:00pm there's no way I'm putting down that brush until at least 2am (probably explaining why I have carpal tunnel).  Regardless, this vampire lifestyle needs to come to an end.  I'm not getting enough sleep, and when I do it's often because I'm oversleeping for work or for class.  It's my resolution to work on my sleep schedule.  
Sleep is so important to our bodies (duh Kate).  And when I pull those ridiculous all-nighters I can feel legitimate and scary differences in my overall abilities.  I can't concentrate, I can't eat, I can't express myself well to others, and the list goes on.  We are only given one body in this lifetime, I don't want to someday regret the way I have been treating mine.  

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